
The Excellency Mr. Mohammoud Ahmed Gaas, State Minister of Science and Technology, on his opening speech focus boldly on “Accreditation provides assurance to government, regulators, business, manufacturers, and to the consumers that test and inspection result of products by accredited CABs are reliable.

The state minister says ”AFRAC” is young regional Accreditation cooperation which recognized by Africa Union(AU) and IAF-ILAC and steeping very well for the international acceptance comprising seven accreditation bodies under it from accreditation body members perspective AFRAC has a lot to look himself on AFRICAN regional accreditation body by enrolling many more African National Accreditation bodies which is important for all African countries which enable to build strong trade partner among us with one bench test, one inspection and one certification conducted in competent conformity assessment bodies which eventually trade barriers by assuring compliances to the World Trade Organization(WTO)-TBT agreement.

Ethiopian national accreditation office hosts the 5th general assembly meeting of AFRAC held from 20